
Section 3-5. Teeth-dependent excitation system and spiritual comfort system

As you might know, autonomic nervous system is consisted of two kinds of nerves, namely sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Sympathetic nerve is responsible for transmission of excitatory information while parasympathetic nerve exerts comfortable properties, both of them playing a role in the basic transformation of information supportive of the vital activities. If we compare them to music, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves share the jobs to control daily vital activities thereby attaining the overall harmony. We wonder whether teeth shall make timely and appropriate judgment in order to correspond to the contrary two different nerve stimulations or not. Otherwise, is only homogenous influence providing irrespective of different shapes of teeth or different locations of teeth?
Once again, shall we review the model equations concerning secretion amount of saliva (Figure 10) and protein concentrations (Figure 10) which were obtained by multi-variable analysis. Names of teeth as the explanatory variables on the right-hand side of equation for secretion amount of saliva were submaxillary second molar, maxillary first and second bicuspid, maxillary first molar, and second molar. On the other hand, names of teeth as the corresponding variables for protein concentrations were maxillary canine, submaxillary first, second bicuspid and first molar, indicating different teeth involved; furthermore, +, -signals on top of them were also different mutually. For you better understand, you are kindly asked to note that +signal indicates increase in the values of the objective variables for either secretion amount or protein concentrations on the left-hand side of equation while -signal means decrease of these parameters. Namely, locations of teeth seem to show different influences. Based on such a hypothesis, we decided to determine the influences on salivary secretion according to locations of teeth. Teeth including wisdom tooth have 8 teeth each on upper jaw, amounting to 16 teeth while the lower jaw has 16 teeth, reaching 32 teeth in total. Names of respective teeth were three teeth in anterior part such as medial incisor, lateral incisor and canine tooth; two teeth in bicuspid teeth such as first and second bicuspid; and three teeth in molar teeth such as first, second and third molar teeth (wisdom tooth). Accordingly, teeth were divided into three parts such as teeth in anterior part, bicuspid part and molar teeth, followed by investigating influences of loss of teeth on secretion of saliva and protein concentrations.
Figure 14 shows such influences according to respective parts by figures. Coefficient of correlation indicates the correlation between the residual patterns of teeth and secretion amount of saliva while the lower the figures the closer the correlation is. The risk rate means scientific credibility of the figures representing the coefficient of correlation. The smaller the figures the higher the credibility is. For example, if the error probability is less than 5% (P<0.05), the data are considered to be reliable. Complicated figures would be difficult for you to understand the outlines and therefore, I would like to show you the figure which clearly illustrates the correlation between the locations of teeth and secretion of saliva.
Looking at the secretion amount of saliva (Figure 15) and protein concentrations (Figure 16), you might note completely contrary a trend between them.
In other words, the more posterior the higher the secretion amount is affected whereas the more anterior the higher the protein concentrations are affected. There might be a possibility that individual tooth provides different transmission types of information to brain in similar manners as different shapes of respective teeth. It is interesting to pursue what kinds of differences exist per each tooth.
Influences of teeth by areas on the salivary protein concentrations

Figure 14
Correlation between the residual patterns of teeth by areas and secretion amount of saliva as well as protein concentrations
The correlation coefficients indicate significance of influences. The bigger figures, the stronger influences. P value stands for the level of the error probability. The smaller the figures the higher the credibility is. * denotes the error probability. When it is less than 0.05, it can be considered that there is a statistical “Significance”.

Figure 15
Influences of teeth by areas on the salivary secretion amount
Lower teeth affected the salivary secretion amount more than upper teeth did. The more posterior, the higher the secretion amount is affected.

Figure 16
Influences of teeth by areas on the salivary protein concentrations
Upper teeth affected the salivary features (protein concentrations) more than lower teeth did. The more anterior, the higher the salivary features are affected.

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