
Section 3-6. Why don’t you play piano with teeth?

The followings are the explanation about influences of each tooth on secretion of saliva. The analysis was performed by using the partial correlation coefficient obtained from multi-variable analysis as the index. Figure 17 illustrates the intentionally expanded row of teeth on upper and lower jaw while influences of each tooth on secretion amount of saliva and protein concentrations are shown with the length of pillars. White pillars denote secretion amount while black pillars show protein concentrations.
Shall we start with secretion amount of saliva shown by white pillars? The order of influences was the strongest in primary and secondary molar, followed by teeth in the anterior part in this decreasing order. How are the protein concentrations? Please look at black pillars in the figure. In sharp contrast with the secretion amount, higher peaks are found in maxillary canine and teeth in anterior part, as well as submaxillary primary bicuspid, with their influences decreasing toward the posterior teeth. These results are quite consistent with the outcomes obtained by the equation models. In more details, loss of bicuspid and the anterior teeth on jaw is associated with reduction or changes of salivary quality whereas loss of posterior teeth is accompanied by vulnerability to decrease in secretion amount of saliva. For your better understanding, shall we confirm it by referring to actually determined values of salivary secretion.Figure 18 shows the actually determined secretion amount of saliva from the following teeth; maxillary first molar as the representative teeth which are heavily involved in secretion amount of saliva; maxillary canine and submaxillary first bicuspid which showed strong influences on protein concentrations; and submaxillary canine which showed equivalent influences on both secretion amount of saliva and protein concentrations. As evidenced in this figure, the teeth indicative of strong influences on secretion amount of saliva and protein concentrations in Figure 17 demonstrated special features in that even a single loss of these teeth resulted in about 2-fold decrease in the actually observed values. On the other hand, the teeth which showed shorter pillars but no biased influences exerted no significant changes in both secretion amount of saliva and protein concentrations even if these teeth were lost. Do you understand these trends?As explained above, secretion of saliva is mainly affected by parasympathetic nerve among autonomic nerve system while protein concentration in saliva is primarily controlled by sympathetic nerve.
If we convert involvement of each tooth to nervous stimulation, we might say that posterior teeth, in particular submaxillary first and second molar and the maxillary first molar easily induce parasympathetic nerve stimulation whereas teeth in the middle part such as maxillary canine and submaxillary first bicuspid as well as maxillary anterior teeth cause sympathetic nerve stimulation. As the next step, you are asked to visualize the curves which are plotted by connecting the tops of white and black pillars. You will find a beautiful wave pattern woven by both curves which resembles an alternating electric curve. It seems to us as if individual tooth generates slightly different continuous tones which create a beautiful harmony. To be noted is the fact that 8 teeth starting from central incisor to the third molar in the posterior part constitute one unit, corresponding to one octave in the musical scale. This unit is associated with the basic structure of brain and it is easy for us to understand that there might be the transmission system of information comparable to do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti, from anterior teeth to posterior teeth. In fact, chewing food with our teeth can be represented by hitting keyboards in brain with teeth like playing piano and playing music with our body when taking into account the transmission system of information with our teeth to brain. Although there is no difference in the music scales by individual tooth keyboard, foods to be chewed are responsible to alteration of tone timbre. Imagine varieties of foods such as bamboo shoots, devil’s tongue, rice cracker, soybean curd, rice, apples, herring roe, pickled radish and the like, and you could understand that various kinds of tone timbres are available on the earth. Meals can be compared to orchestrated music, in a sense, comprising of trumpet, violin, tuba, harp and timpani.
Dining is filled with lots of joyful sounds including food stuffs comparable to sounds from various kinds of musical instruments, “tastes and cold/warm sensation”, “flavor”, “beautiful harmony of arranged food layout”, “thoughtfulness by the host”, and “conversation on food”. Dining can be compared to an orchestra while teeth play a role as the concert master. You are the conductor. So as to offer actual experiences of the tone images by teeth to you, we have already prepared the relevant CD with the title of “Lets play the piano with teeth keyboards – Secrets of Teeth –“. This CD was prepared with the objective of having children recognize that every tooth is an indispensable living organ, thereby contributing to propagation of a life-long campaign to stimulate teeth health of them. This has been extensively employed as the educational material for elementary and middle schools. If you are interested in it, please have a contact with KOS.We have reviewed the correlation of teeth with autonomic nervous system whereby we are confident of the possibility of teeth influences on autonomic nervous systems in various aspects. Our survey of the relationship between teeth and health in vivid elderly persons happened to advance the following hypothesis “Teeth are involved in autonomic nervous system”. Thus, close correlation between teeth and autonomic nervous system has been verified during the course of investigating the relationship of teeth with secretion function of saliva; in this connection, however, another issue directly implicated in secretion of saliva has secretly occurred. If you will find this issue, you can recognize that the aforementioned hypothesis would not miss the mark. May I explain it in details as follows?Its is a dry mouth. Recently, about one out of four Japanese is suffering from xerostomia or its related symptoms. I anticipate that some of the readers of this book might be suffering from dry mouth and often lick the throat drops. These persons predispose to occurrence of decayed teeth particularly at the interface between teeth and therefore, a relevant term, “Throat-drop syndromes” is coined to denote such situations. In this connection, about 40 percents of elderly persons complain about dryness of their mouths, indicating a serious problem among them.Xerostomia mainly observed in elderly persons throughout Japan is caused by loss of teeth and abnormal occlusion which also occur nationwide. With advancing age, teeth are extracted in such a manner as 5 teeth in 50s, 10 teeth in 60s and 17 teeth in 70s in an average. In the former half of 80s of age, only 7 teeth are left (Reference 39), suggesting that 21 teeth are extracted. Since teeth are lost from the more posterior parts, this means that more parasympathomimetic teeth are tended to be removed earlier. As explained before, the parotid gland which secretes serous saliva is controlled by parasympathetic nerve to secrete saliva. Accordingly, if posterior teeth are lost, anterior teeth and bicuspids characteristic of mainly exhibiting sympathomimetic properties remain, leading to augmented function of submaxillary gland and secretion of viscous saliva. As the result, inside of the oral cavity becomes sticky, resulting in stimulating dry sensation within the cavity. It is quite natural for these persons to want to lick throat drops. Although elderly persons abandon their pursuit of ample secretion of saliva because of aging, xerostomia is not attributed to aging but is due to problems related to their teeth. Nobody can revive lost teeth but improvement of abnormal occlusion is sometimes associated with adequate secretion of saliva. It is anticipated that satisfactory chewing simultaneously improves internal transmission of information from teeth. Shall we review actual examples of such representative patients as follows?

Before treatment, I was suffering from dry mouth, unpleasant feeling of less
secretion of saliva, and tongue pains. Therefore, these symptoms always made me
gloomy. Since correction of abnormal occlusion and removal of silver
implantation by Dr. Muratsu, ample amount of saliva has been secreted into mouth
and I felt comfortable.
(52-year-old woman, Saga)
Incidentally, this patient has completed the scheduled treatment. Xerostomia observed at her initial consultation has already been eliminated with her heath being recovered, and currently, she spends a happy life since then.

Figure 17
Influences of each tooth on secretion amount of saliva and protein concentrations

Levels of influences are shown by the length of pillars.
The secretion amount of saliva seems to be affected by the posterior molars, in particular, submaxillary primary and secondary molars, and the maxillary first molarThe protein concentrations seem to be most affected by the front teeth. In particular, the submaxillary first bicuspid, maxillary first bicuspid, canine, lateral incisor and middle incisor most notably affected the protein concentrations.

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