
Section 1-4. “Hazo “(Teeth-organ theory) and microcosms

You might be familiar to the word “Organs”. However, when organs are positioned from the view point of information systems of our body, it is conceivable that organs control the whole body systems under close cooperation with other organs by both output and input of various information by organs themselves. Please look at Figure 31 (Refer to the colored Figure I) illustrating the conceptual diagram of human body which is compared to the solar system. Once the human body system was regarded as one micro-cosmos moving around brain, teeth were recognized as a trivial presence within the micro-cosmos world corresponding to one satellite attached to a planet indicative of digestive organ. In other words, teeth were designated only as one tool to be used for chewing foods.
On the contrary, however, as shown in Figure 32, teeth were disclosed to exist as one planet (organ) similar to heart, liver and kidney, in the body system; furthermore, teeth play a role as the important information outlet.
Shall we take diabetes mellitus as an example and provide explanation for your better understanding. Diabetes mellitus is caused by inadequate effect of insulin, one of the important hormones. Insulin is secreted from β cells in islet of Langerhans of pancreas. In addition to β cells in islet of Langerhans, there are α and θcells from where various hormones are secreted. After ingestion of foods, the blood with absorbed nutrition and glucose is transferred via portal vein to pancreas and liver.
During this process, glucose in blood is delicately controlled by hormone secreted from islet of Langerhans. For example, insulin secreted from β cells decreases blood glucose levels while glucagons secreted from αcells increases blood glucose levels. Like autonomic nerves including exciting sympathetic nerves and relaxing parasympathetic nerves, two antagonizing factors cooperatively work to keep the physical balance and such a mechanism is called as homeostasis. Both insulin and glucagons in terms of controlling glucose levels work as such a homeostasis.
Once again look at Figure 30 demonstrating the correlation between individual teeth and the blood pressure. Maxillary canine, first bicuspid and submaxillary first bicuspid and third molar tooth elevate the blood pressure. On the other hand, maxillary second molar and submaxillary canine tend to lower the blood pressure. Namely, there are two antagonizing stimulus emitting system. Islet of Langerhans in pancreas is located deep in the abdomen while teeth are hard enough, but both of them are fundamentally the same as their information emitting sources. There is a possibility that back teeth decrease the blood pressure whereas maxillary canine and first bicuspid tooth elevate the blood pressure antagonistically. Although endocrine hormone systems and autonomic nervous system as the messenger conducive to control of the blood pressure via teeth surely exist, it is postulated that salivary gland is also involved in these systems. This is because digestive enzymes such as amylase and parotin as one of the growth hormones as well as endocrine hormone-like bioactive substances including hormones affecting glucose metabolism are produced and secreted from salivary gland into blood. The following data regarding maintenance of homeostasis permit us to anticipate presence of dynamic organ-like effects of teeth with salivary gland being involved therein.

Figure 31
Previous wrong conceptual diagram of teeth on human body micro-cosmos
When the human body system is regarded as the micro-cosmos, teeth were wrongly considered as one satellite for the planet which did not directly affect the whole body (life) (Please refer to Figure I).

Figure 32
New conceptual diagram of teeth on human body micro-cosmos
Now that we recognize “Teeth are our organs.” and take into consideration the information emission ability of teeth directly to the whole body in addition to their chewing ability.

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