
Section 1-2. “Hazo disease” induces abnormality in the brain

After the short intermission, shall we review your questions about “What is “Hazo disease”?” from various angles.  “Hazo diseases”  induce lots of systemic diseases including mental disorders and self-immune diseases.  This suggests that “Hazo diseases” are not related to abnormalities in association between “Hazo” and individual organs but are associated with some abnormalities of either central nervous systems in the brain or systemic mechanisms, resulting in inducing disorders of both psychological and physical activities.  Now, shall we consider what kinds of changes are caused by abnormality in “Hazo” to induce “Hazo diseases”.
Our brain can be functionally subclassified into three parts.  The first unit is called as “Intermost being”, the center of which exists in the brain-stem.  This is located in the base of brain, and consists of medullary, pons, and diencephalons including thalamus and hypothalamus.  Brain stem plays an essential role as the center for our life, and supplies electric energy to the brain.  The second unit, being called as “Emotional being” , is located in the intermediate part of the brain and comprises limbic cortex, basal ganglion, hippocampus, nucleus amygdalae, ventral striatum, cingulate convolution and gyrus parahippocampalis.  In this area, there are neuronal nuclei which are important centers to control sexual libido and appetite.  Accordingly, our mind is considered to exist in this area.  The third unit, being called as “Volition/action being” and “Intelligence being”, is located in the cerebral cortex.  The former is controlled by frontal cortex and various motion association areas while the latter, being mediated by temporal lobe, vertex of the head and occipital association areas, is responsible for actions and complicated brain activities.  

For your better understanding, I wish to collate the influences of “Hazo diseases” on the brain by citing Miss Tanaka’s case (tentative name) who presented systemic symptoms due to “Hazo diseases”.  Please read the witness of this patient.

Two months ago, I visited this Dental Clinic for the first time when previously implanted materials were removed and disordered bites were corrected.  Since then, I felt the systemic comfortableness of my body while tiredness was eliminated.  
Since last December when I hit my low back, I could not sit without using any padded backrest.  However, I do not need such a support any more.  Five to six years ago, I had dislocations of my wrists and they were corrected at a certain chiropractic Clinic.  Before my dental treatment, I was suffering from tiredness of my wrists and I could not hold a pen.  Nevertheless, currently, I can hold a pen firmly and my calligraphy is praised.
Tiredness and sleepiness disappeared, and I wake up favorably in the morning.  I feel well and concentration comes back.  Previously I had pains in my left knee and I could not walk smoothly; however, I can move swiftly.  I could not have imagined the present healthy conditions.  
Whenever I looked at display of the word processor and TV screen, I used an OA glass but currently they are needless.  
I have lost my body weight properly and I anticipate that more than 5 kg might be decreased.  I have regained reddish skin.  Previously, washing my hair was associated with losing lots of my hair but recently, such a trend was not seen.  I was forgetful in the past but I overcame it; my way of thinking became positive.  My family members were surprised with my changes.  I shed my sweat normally and I spend happy days.
(A 28-year-old woman,  Munakata city, Fukuoka)

Miss Tanaka was suffering from systemic symptoms for a long period of time; accordingly, she visited many medical institutions including university hospitals to receive examinations to clarify the actual causes of these abnormalities for proper treatments.  However, these symptoms were not utterly improved and before visiting our KOS, she tried various treatments such as spa therapies and folk medicines including ingestion of health food products.  She was diagnosed to have “Hazo disease” according to oral internal medicine tests, followed by receiving treatments.  The efficacy promptly appeared.  Now, she is completely recovered from the disease and spends a happy life.   Several days ago, her mother visited our Clinic and told us that her daughter, Miss Tanaka, was very well even though she performed unexpectedly urgent translation works until midnights and such an event could not have been imagined in the past.
On the first day of treatment, her dental bites were improved, together with removal of all the incompatible metals from her mouth.  As the result, various severe symptoms were eliminated.  All of these alleviations were considered to be caused in relation to these three unit functions in the brain, which are to be explained below.  
Information from the sensory organs and signals derived from internal metabolisms enter into brain-stem as the initial step.  Brain-stem plays an important role in controlling the activities of cerebral cortex and in maintaining the cerebrum at the arousal situations. Such a control of the cerebral cortex is performed not only by the independent nervous impulse but also by the chained transmission of the electric signal energy derived from peripheral organs to the whole units, followed by transfer to the cerebral cortex.  For the high-order areas in the brain, they can be recognized as nutrition source; accordingly, removal of this area is associated with twilight consciousness.  In this connection, sensory stimulation from peripheral areas is known to have the brain grow.  Evolution and growth of the brain are stimulated by specific sensory stimula including stimulation from teeth upon chewing foods, olfactory sensation from nose, optical sensation from eyes, auditory sensation from ears and equilibrium sensation.

If we apply these facts into Miss Tanaka’s case, followings are the related perception.
“I felt the systemic comfortableness of my body while tiredness was eliminated.”
“Tiredness and sleepiness disappeared and I wake up favorably in the morning.  I feel well and concentration comes back.”
It is well known that pains stimulate brain-stem reticular activating system and disturb sleep.  Based on these witnesses from patients, it is postulated that onset of “Hazo diseases” is accompanied by abnormality in electric stimula from peripheral areas to the brain stem, in particular, brain-stem reticular activating system, together with possibility that flows of electric stimulation from the brain stem to the second unit are disturbed or abnormalities might occur.  In this connection, electric spikes which occur in pons of the brain stem are documented to stimulate the cerebral cortex to create dreams. Patients suffering from depression and neurosis due to “Hazo disease” usually witnessed after treatment that previously, we had nightmares frequently.  Miss Tanaka also suffered from nightmares, indicating that occurrence of “Hazo disease” was associated with abnormality in electric stimulation from peripheral areas to the brain stem, resulting in reducing quality of the sleep.
It would appear likely that abnormality of the brain function associated with “Hazo disease” would occur at the brain-stem as the first unit.  This could be also accounted for by the fact that augmentation of isometric tension of fingers is observed following improvement of abnormal bites and removal of incompatible metals from mouth.  This is reported to be attributed to inhibitory effects of α-monitor neuron by inhibitory signals emitted from chiliary body large cell nucleus located in brain-stem reticular formation.  Reactions associated with removal of implanted incompatible metals could be explained by the fact that abnormal electromotive force originated among metals or against oral mucosa are treated by the brain-stem reticular formation.  In parallel with clinical improvement of “Hazo diseases”, the following symptoms such as “Inability to concentrate”, ”No clear wishes”, “Feel sleepy during daytime” and “Lose consciousness” were highly alleviated by 71%, 77%, 65% and 80%, respectively, indicating that “Hazo diseases” are accompanied by reduction of consciousness in the brain.
The electric stimulation reaching the brain-stem is transmitted in a parallel way from thalamus to nucleus amygdalae and hippocampus, as well as to cerebral cortex.  Subsequently, judgment of “pleasant, unpleasant” is made and then, this judgment is transferred from nucleus amygdalae to hypothalamic area and further to pituitary gland, whereby autonomic nerve functions and hormone secretion are induced.  From nucleus amygdalae, electric stimulation is emitted simultaneously to “Intelligence being” in temporal lobe via hippocampus, and to “Volition/action being” in the frontal lobe via ventral striatum in the basal ganglion.  In the “Intelligence being”, activities related to recognition and memory are performed while in the “Volition/action being”, various activities associated with physical movements and actions are conducted.
Once again, shall we investigate the witness of Miss Tanaka.
“Whenever I looked at display of the word processor and TV screen, I used an OA glass but currently they are needless.”
This witness indicates elimination of abnormality in the brain mechanism to induce electromagnetic disorders, by removal of the incompatible metals.
“I have lost my body weight properly and I anticipate that more than 5 kg might be decreased.”
“I shed my sweat normally and I spend happy days.”
“I have regained reddish skin.  Previously, washing my hair was associated with losing lots of my hair but recently, such a trend was not seen.”
“Previously I had pains in my left knee and I could not walk smoothly; however, I can move swiftly.  I could not have imagined the present healthy conditions.”
This witness suggests the followings:  Normalization occurred in a series of mechanisms involved in transmission of electric stimulation from thalamus to amygdaloid nucleus and hypothalamus while autonomic nerve functions and endocrinenological functions were normalized, together with recovery of appropriate functions of metablisma and appetite center.
“I was forgetful in the past but I overcame it; my way of thinking became positive.”
This witness suggests that abnormalities were removed in the process for transmission of the stimulation from thalamus to nucleus amygdalae in the middle layer, hippocampus, and further to “Intelligence being” in temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex.
“Since last December when I hit my low back, I could not sit without using any padded backrest.  However, I do not need such a support any more.  Five to six years ago, I had dislocations of my wrists and they were corrected at a certain chiropractic Clinic.  Before my dental treatment, I was suffering from tiredness of my wrists and I could not hold a pen.  Nevertheless, currently, I can hold a pen firmly and my calligraphy is praised.”
This witness suggests normalization of the stimulation system from brain stem to the medium layer, and further, to “Volition/action being” and “Intelligence being” in the frontal area of the cerebral cortex.   As shown above, taking into account influences of teeth on the brain in the ameliorated clinical cases, it is postulated that there is a possibility of correlation of them with the three units.
Psychological aspects and other influential factors are involved in the mechanism inducing onset of abnormalities and physiological changes in the brain.  Furthermore, complicated mechanisms are also implicated and therefore, it is difficult to clearly describe it.  In any events, we cannot rule out the possibility that “Hazo diseases” directly affect the brain.  As one of the complicated mechanisms, we must talk about the stress reactions by “Hazo diseases”.  Shall we discuss this issue.

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